Home within

I lay myself down with the cold tile floor as my bed and the open universe as my roof. I lay myself down bare, with nothing to hide and nothing to lose.

My mortal body stretched and contracted as atoms melted and flowed to become one with the surface I was resting upon, running down the side of the building to become one with the earth.

I realised I look at people with the same intense yearning as when I gaze up across the deep blue Milky Way.

I look for a place beyond the reach of the naked eye and beyond the reach of all vessels used to carry our kind into space. I search for a light that looks to bounce off me and remind me that there is a home I belong to too.

An hour passed and then another, I saw no light that would guide me home. The stars danced and frolicked from one end of the horizon, the clouds shifted and creeped across while lightening taunted from a distance.

I closed my eyes, stopped asking for answers and instead let the simplicity of being wash me over. I embraced my good and acknowledged my bad. I forgave myself for mistakes made and opened my heart to a future of possibilities. I closed my eyes and went through everything that ever made me feel so heavy, felt them at their fullest and let it go, like a dragged friendship that had become too toxic to continue.

I breathed the moment in, felt the cold night and the ocean breeze in my lungs. I kept breathing till I felt like the gentle wind could carry me away.

I accepted myself and found my home within.


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